
to start



EXHIBITION - Torriano Meeting House, London, UK


Artists from around the world question their sense of place and space, and investigate how interactions with their immediate environment affects their understanding of their/ humanity’s place in the universe. The exhibition will feature a diverse range of works. It will begin with a launch event featuring live performances. Following the exhibition, the project will be encapsulated in a digital zine.


Topp & Dubio will show the video 'Niemandsland'.


Cosmoscope is curated by Sara Atanasiu and Imogen Garfinkel.


Participating artists: Tony Bowen, Emily Tracy, Philip McCumskey, Saadeh-Byreet George, Alexia Netcu, Lydia Moraitis, Ivilina Kouneva, Lara Gallagher, Lauren Pencil, Charlotte Harker, Chantelle Wroblewska, Vladimir Guculak, Frankie Gardner, Niko Kristic, Xiayi Su, Aren Dou, Flavia Bucci, Vilma Leino, Joey Green, Ema Pop, Meryem Siemmond and Topp & Dubio.


Cosmoscope | Torriano Meeting House, London, UK | 3-31 March 2024







March 2024